The septic tank is the central part of your home's waste disposal system. The tank design has an inlet and outlet, the effluent filter, the scum and liquid effluent layers, and the sludge layer. The tank also contains both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria to break down the organic waste that flows into the tank. When all the components are working correctly, your waste disposal runs smoothly. However, if one feature stops working, it slows down the entire system.

You have to watch out for signs of a failing water tank because septic effluent contains black water, a biohazard. Here are some warning signs that your tank is failing and you need to pump it.

Are Your Drain Fields Flooded?

The water from your bathroom flows into the sewer line and then into the septic tank. Inside the tank, a filter separates the solid and liquid effluent. The filtered water exits through the outlet and onto the drain field. When the tank is working smoothly, the water exits regularly and dries up. 

However, when the tank stops functioning correctly, the water will drain away sluggishly, and the drain field will have pools of foul-smelling water. Call in professionals to pump the tank's content out and clean it to improve the drain efficiency.

Is Raw Sewage Backing Up to Your House?

The most disgusting thing that can happen to your home is raw sewage backing up into your toilet and bathroom. Raw sewage is usually an indication that the septic tank has failed.

The raw sewage usually starts backing up into the basement. Check the drains at that level regularly to avoid having the problem in your toilet or even kitchen sink.

Are Your Drains Sluggish?

Sometimes, drains slow down when something is blocking the flow of water. If nothing is blocking the drain, and the water is still flowing sluggishly, it is an indication that the system is at full capacity.

Call in a professional to pump the tank to avoid complicating the drainage problem.

Do You Have Unpleasant Smells?

The characteristic smell of a failed septic tank system is rotten eggs. Incomplete decomposition leads to the production of hydrogen sulphide gas. The gas can be dangerous to breathe in.

If you notice odd smells in the yard or coming out of your drains, it is time to call pumping services.

Call professionals for septic tank pumping as soon as you notice these signs of trouble. They will help clean up, introduce artificial bacteria, and restore the tank's normal function.

For more information, contact a septic tank pump-out service.
