The septic tank is the most crucial bit of your home's waste management system. When a septic tank is well maintained, it can serve you for some years without the need to pump it. However, when there are problems within parts of the system, wastewater may start backing up into the house, creating a serious health hazard. It is therefore essential to continually check your septic system and when you realise there are problems, look for experts to troubleshoot and fix the issues. The tank overflows because of these main reasons below.

Bad percolation system

Many septic tanks have a soak pit as their central percolation system. When the soak pit fails, it will not drain water properly from inside the house, which eventually leads to the tank overflowing. It is important to note that soak pits are not a permanent drainage solution and if you suspect that your pit has stopped allowing the liquid waste to get absorbed into the soil, you should get experts to create a new one for you.

Soak pit failure to treat wastewater

A soak pit is not typically designed to treat water that comes from inside the house. When water starts accumulating in the hole, you realise that the pit does not have enough surface area where biofilm can grow. Also, the pit might lack enough ventilation to bring in oxygen. If the organic matter starts building up instead of getting broken down, the pit stops soaking down water. As a result, the septic tank will start overflowing.

When the land does not soak water well

Another common problem with soak pits is when the land where it has been dug does not have the right soil properties for drainage. When this happens, it becomes tough for the water from the septic tank to be disposed of, and therefore the tank backs up. The only solution which can work in this case is getting septic tanks which have a secondary waste treatment system and attach a polishing filter to it.

These are three soak pit issues which directly affect your septic tank. If your septic tank has been in use for some years and has now started back up, it is best to get it replaced. The best way to replace the tank is hiring competent plumbing experts to assess the situation on the ground and give you an appropriate solution for your tank.
